ReConnect Africa is a unique website and online magazine for the African professional in the Diaspora. Packed with
essential information about careers, business and jobs, ReConnect Africa keeps you connected to the best of Africa.
If you have a question for our Career Coach, e-mail us at
Dear Career Coach
I am based in the UK and in a job I do not like, am not motivated about and which I do not see much of a future in. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to get out of it in the last 2 years. Please help.
Dear Tunde
If we were having this conversation in person, my first question would have to be ‘Why did you take this job?' If, as I'm guessing, your reply would be 'I needed a job' or 'the pay was good' then I have to say that you have probably achieved your objective as you have succeeded in finding somewhere to go every working day and you are, hopefully, earning enough money to pay your bills.
But, of course, this isn't enough for most people and it clearly isn't enough for you. The longer you remain in a job that you hate, the more demotivated you will become and the less likely you will be to find the energy, drive and enthusiasm to embark on a different and more rewarding career. So take action now.
But before jumping into another job as a means of escaping this one, please take some time to assess where your skills and experience could be put to good use. If you are not qualified in any particular field, one option is to invest in further education or a training course that will give you specific skills (and, in some cases, work experience) in a sector that is in demand.
If you have good qualifications, research the type of job opportunities that others from your field have moved into. Talking to former classmates or fellow graduates will give you some ideas of how they have progressed in their careers. Look carefully at job vacancies in your sector and analyse the type of experience and skills employers are looking for to see what gaps you may need to fill before you can put yourself forward.
Finally, take a look around your own company. While your job may not have much going for it, are there other opportunities that you could and should be applying for? If so, you will need to show enthusiasm and motivation in what you are doing now to be given the chance to take on a more senior or challenging role.
You will find some further tips on planning your career in a tight job market elsewhere in this issue.
If you have been trying to find another job for two years without success, don't forget that you can also contact us to see how we could help you plan your career strategy and market yourself effectively to employers.
We wish you all the best!
Need some help to solve your career dilemma? Whether you are a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, our experienced careers coaches can work with you – on an individual or group basis – to help you get back on track with your career.
From online CV checking to face-to-face coaching, presentation skills training to making the right impact at interview, our careers services will help you reach your goals.
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